Afortunadamente, siempre existen dos opciones
para elegir. Porque en un mundo en el que están el blanco y el negro,
el bien y el mal; tener la oportunidad de decidirte por creer en algo o
no creer, sin duda es un privilegio.
In this how to you will learn how you can extract all the frames of a
movie (avi, mp4 and basically any format). It will take sometime to
extract, but if you really want to do this, it’s easy as pie.
How To Convert Movies Into Images or Animated GIF Using Ubuntu
Open a Terminal
Install mplayer using the command sudo apt-get install mplayer
While it’s downloading and installing copy and paste the movie you want
to extract in a new folder (because the images will be extracted to
where the movie is located)
In the terminal change the working directory to the folder where the movie is located by using cd /path/to/movie
Now write this command mplayer -vo jpeg NameOfMovie.avi -nosound
This will output the frames as jpeg files, but there are more for example to
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